Saturday, July 29, 2006

Some pics from the 1st Annual Rockin' the Block on the Rock community party - July 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Sue Green is having a jewelry party for the new fall line of Silpada jewelry on August 10th, at 7pm at her home -- 118 Clubhouse Lane. Call Sue by 8/8 to RSVP at 508-234-6714

You can view the jewelry at

Monday, July 17, 2006

found this blog some time ago during research on may find it interesting:


Just wanted everyone to know this is a private blog on blogspot and will not be listed on blogspot's bloglist. No one's email address or any of this information will be disseminated to my knowledge and by my choice, outside of the Shining Rock Golf Club community.

July 17, 2006 - The first official post of "the Rock".

Our first annual "Rocking the Block on the Rock" party was held yesterday off Linkside Court in the late afternoon. I hope a good time was had by all. Most of the residents came and it was great to meet all of the neighbors, including some of the Sandtrappers!

I will post a pic or two of the event once I download the pics off the camera. Thanks to everyone who came, cooked for the event, brought items to share and use, and especially thank you to the "Grillmasters" who manned the grill. Special thanks to Bindu Tuli and the Guenette's for their assistance.